(Jump to Japanese [GUIDE])[Total Index][BandStructure][Important]
This is a simple guide to author's web pages. [Top Page]
This is new "guidee.html" at bandstructure.jp (28, December, 2018).
"http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/4765/" site is not available at present.
Web page address: "http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/4765/" --> "http://www.bandstructure.jp/"
Happy new year 2025.
- The 25th Asian Workshop(ASIAN-25) will be given at 28 October - 30 October (2024) in University of Ulsan, Haesong Hall (Korea)[Close].
- Workshop: Computational Materials Design (CMD) Workshop - Spring 2025, 17 February - 21 February(2025), Live! Online
Topic0: [30H-BN](go to JST)
Topic1: [10H-SiC][10H-BN][6H-AlN][5H-BN][h-BN](go to JPSJ)
[6H-AlN](go to IOP) [48H-BN(20H-SiC)(30H-AlN)](https page, go to JST)
Topic2: [Study] of BN (Boron Nitride) compounds (go to NIMS)
Topic3: [Study] of LiBC(+ C6B2) (go to Bandstructure.jp)
Topic4: [Study] of B-, C- and BC-compounds (+ C6B2 (go to Bandstructure.jp)
Topic5: [SANZEN(Close)](Software library(routines, data, etc.) (go to NIMS)
Topic6: IWSDRM2005 [presentation](Many png files) (go to NIMS)
- Content[Top
Page]...................[New Papers (Simple edition)]
- [The author recomends(I)](Information about Research)
- [The author recomends(II)](NCPS2K)
- [Japanese Pages](Introduction of Band Calculation)
- [Please read] this page(Copyright)
- [Author's Doctor Thesis]
(PDF file, th.pdf, Large file, 320kB, Download and display for several minutes)
(It is possible to read th.pdf file by using "Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 -".)
(Above files of thesis do not include tables and figures.)
Today's updated and new [pages].
Japanese Pages (All
texts and documents are written in Japanese.)
Domain name of NIRIM has been changed because of the merger of NIRIM
and NRIM at 1. April, 2001.
This site is backup for author's web [page(Close)](on the NIMS web site). Some links are not available.
All GIF and JPEG(1/22, 2003) files have been already exchanged for
PNG files (W3C recommended) on this site(7/17, 2001).
Some old browsers may not treat PNG format images(files).