(Jump to Japanese [GUIDE])[Total Index][BandStructure][Important]

This is a simple guide to author's web pages. [Top Page]

This is new "guidee.html" at bandstructure.jp (28, December, 2018). "http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/4765/" site is not available at present.
Web page address: "http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/4765/" --> "http://www.bandstructure.jp/"

Happy new year 2025.
Topic0: [30H-BN](go to JST)
Topic1: [10H-SiC][10H-BN][6H-AlN][5H-BN][h-BN](go to JPSJ)
[6H-AlN](go to IOP) [48H-BN(20H-SiC)(30H-AlN)](https page, go to JST)
Topic2: [Study] of BN (Boron Nitride) compounds (go to NIMS)
Topic3: [Study] of LiBC(+ C6B2) (go to Bandstructure.jp)
Topic4: [Study] of B-, C- and BC-compounds (+ C6B2 (go to Bandstructure.jp)
Topic5: [SANZEN(Close)](Software library(routines, data, etc.) (go to NIMS)
Topic6: IWSDRM2005 [presentation](Many png files) (go to NIMS)

Content[Top Page]...................[New Papers (Simple edition)]
  1. [The author recomends(I)](Information about Research)
  2. [The author recomends(II)](NCPS2K)
  3. [Japanese Pages](Introduction of Band Calculation)
  4. [Please read] this page(Copyright)
  5. [Author's Doctor Thesis]
    (PDF file, th.pdf, Large file, 320kB, Download and display for several minutes)
    (It is possible to read th.pdf file by using "Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 -".)
    (Above files of thesis do not include tables and figures.)

Today's updated and new [pages].

The author recomends (I). [Content]

The author recomends (II). [Content]

Japanese Pages (All texts and documents are written in Japanese.) [Content]

(Important Information)
Domain name of NIRIM has been changed because of the merger of NIRIM and NRIM at 1. April, 2001.

This site is backup for author's web [page(Close)](on the NIMS web site). Some links are not available.

All GIF and JPEG(1/22, 2003) files have been already exchanged for PNG files (W3C recommended) on this site(7/17, 2001).
Some old browsers may not treat PNG format images(files).

Please read [Copyright] page. [Content]
